Foot and ankle pain happens for many reasons. Nerves may become compressed, ligaments tear, and bursa become inflamed. Then there are tendons that over stretch, fascia that gets irritated, and joints can rub the wrong way. Some causes of foot pain include:
- Bad fitting footwear
- Poor support from footwear
- Flat feet
- Over activity or new activity
- Injury
- Weight gain
How can My PT help my foot and ankle pain?
Custom Physical Therapy can help. An evaluation is performed first to find out why the foot and ankle hurts. This will include assessing posture, foot and ankle range of motion, muscle strength, joint mobility, special tests, and palpation.
Next, a treatment plan is recommended. This can include therapeutic exercises, manual therapy, and the use of therapeutic modalities. Clients are asked to return for follow up visits to assess response to treatment so there is a natural progression of treatment.
Treatment plans could range from 1-3 visits per week. Treatment could continue for several weeks, depending on the severity of the problem. Because the body is dynamic and different events in life can affect progress, on going maintenance treatment can be very effective at controlling symptoms from worsening or returning.
What foot conditions does My PT treat?
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Sprained Ankle
- Calcaneal Bursitis
- Achilles Tendintis
- Bunions
- Metatarsalgia
- Sesmoiditis
- Fallen Arches (Flat Feet)
- Shin Splints
- Posterior Tibialis Tendon Syndrome
- Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
- Arthritis
What other symptoms happen to the feet and ankles?
- Discomfort
- Pressure
- Tightness
- Stiffness
- Pain at rest
- Weakness in the leg or foot
- Difficulty with standing, walking, climbing stairs
- Pain with movement
- Painful standing up out of bed
- Numbness or tingling into legs, feet or toes
- Burning
- Sensation of “stepping on glass”